
Signal app on web
Signal app on web

signal app on web

The main issue is that when you use an e2e webapp, the webserver you’re connected to is serving the cryptographic code to you.

signal app on web signal app on web

End-to-end over the webĪ lot has been written already on the significant challenges using a web browser for e2e crypto. As always, if you have thoughts on this or notice errors, feel free to drop me a note on Twitter or by email. I’m not looking into the voice and video aspects, just the messaging and file sharing capabilities as I’m investigating to see how a similar approach could be used for SecureDrop, where voice/video isn’t an option. Next in the series, I investigate current messaging applications that both provide web applications and are using the Signal Protocol (or a protocol very similar or derived from Signal), here specifically Wire and Whatsapp.

Signal app on web